Among all search engine, Google search provide the majority visitors to most website depending on the site rank, a website that have page rank of 7 is more visible in search engine than a website with page rank of 4. The question is these how do we improve our website visibility and ranking in Google?
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5 ways to improve your search engine visibility and ranking in Google.
- One of the factors which contribute to website visibility in search engine is the number of link pointing to the website or blog (back link) in these case Google consider such website and rank it higher. Just take for example: site ‘’A’’ with 100 quality link pointing to it and site ‘’B’’ with 20 links pointing to it, these shows that site A will rank higher through Google estimate than site ‘’B’’.
- Your site or blog must have quality back link for it to be considered or rank well in Google.
- Another factor that contributes to your website visibility is your title tag, what is title tag? It is the text that is between the HTML <title> in the <HEAD> section of your website or blog. These title contains key words which is related to your niche or products which can be use in searching for your site (keyword). For example your website sells ‘’black shoes’’, the word ‘’ black shoes’’ is the keyword and these is what will direct people to your website when such particular word ‘’black shoes’’ is been search on Google. It shows that title tag is very important for your website visibility.
- Another factor that will determine your website visibility is to consider the word you think people will search for or word that are searchable on Google, these will enhance your page visibility on Google search engine. Think of a word that is searchable and include it in your page. For example the word ‘’widget y’’ must occur in your page which will attract search engine to locate your page when it is been search by someone.
- ‘’Keyword laden link’’ is another factor that will increase your website visibility on Google search engine, these keyword laden link are additional word that is been used to indicate a content in your page, for example a website link that is pointing to your website is been linked with the word ‘’tutorial basic’’ definitely Google will think your page/website is relevant to that word. With Google webmaster tools you can equally increase your website visibility.
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