After our discussion of the origins and features of neo-colonialism, it is necessary that we examine its mechanism and impacts. Though the objectives of colonialism and neo-colonialism are basically similar, but their mechanisms differ. The impacts of both are related since neo – colonialism help in sustaining the conditions created under colonialism. It is understandable why neo-colonialism is operating in a subtle form, compared to the open method employed during the colonial era. The reason is that the predominant world values in the second half of the 20th century were not only intolerant of foreign domination, but also rejected alien rule in all its manifestations. This accounted for the change in strategy by the former colonial masters, and their new devise of packaging the old wine in a new bottle. This unit deals with the mechanisms of neo-colonialism and its impact on African society.
Under the pretext of “aiding economic development” in her former colonies France created financial institutions like F.I.D.E.S and C.C.O.M (Nkrumah 1963:175). In reality those institutions were created to sustain the classical metropolitan-satellite relationship between France and her former colonies. According to Nkrumah, the balkanization of French West African federation and French Equatorial Africa, two large French territories governed as separates entities, during the colonial period, into numerous states at independence, was in pursuit of neo-colonial objectives.
At the Third All-African Peoples Conference held in 1961, which outlined the major manifestations and denounced neo-colonialism, some of its other mechanisms were identified. These include the propping up of puppet governments like in Congo under Mobutu Sese Seko, or foreign inspired fragmentation as it was the case in the Katanga province, where Moi Tshombe became an agent of neo-colonialism. Nkrumah in his book (1967) gave detailed account of the activities of neo-colonial forces in Congo that led to the assassination of Patrice Lumumba. Apart from using loans, monetary aid or technical assistance to infiltrate African economies, neo-colonialism also employs military pacts, and the establishment of military bases, to ensure African dependence in military terms. (Offiong,1980:62).
Neo-colonialism is a form of neo-colonial dependency. According to a recent memoir by a French official, France in the 1960s punished and even helped assassinate African leaders who opposed French policies. France was also given open ended permission to intervene militarily in these countries. It was also reported that France auditioned a potential President of Gabon before allowing him to take office. Emperor Bokassa of Central African Republic was also on record to have called President de Gaule of France, “papa” (Goldstein, 2004:471).
At the end of this unit, you are expected to:- know the methods employed by neo-colonial powers to achieve their objectives in Africa
- understand why they had to employ new tactics to serve neo-colonial ends
- explain the effects of neo-colonialism on Africa today.
Mechanisms of Neo-Colonialism
Neo-colonial control can be exercised or sustained in a country through many devises. To Nkrumah, balkanization of Africa into small states is the major instrument of neo-colonialism. (Nkrumah 1963:173). The objective is to create small and fragile states with neither the manpower nor resources to provide for integrity and viability. In order to survive, they must cling to the erstwhile colonial masters. France, for example, does not believe in the idea of ultimate independence for her former colonies; she preferred to keep them as tightly closed preserves.Under the pretext of “aiding economic development” in her former colonies France created financial institutions like F.I.D.E.S and C.C.O.M (Nkrumah 1963:175). In reality those institutions were created to sustain the classical metropolitan-satellite relationship between France and her former colonies. According to Nkrumah, the balkanization of French West African federation and French Equatorial Africa, two large French territories governed as separates entities, during the colonial period, into numerous states at independence, was in pursuit of neo-colonial objectives.
At the Third All-African Peoples Conference held in 1961, which outlined the major manifestations and denounced neo-colonialism, some of its other mechanisms were identified. These include the propping up of puppet governments like in Congo under Mobutu Sese Seko, or foreign inspired fragmentation as it was the case in the Katanga province, where Moi Tshombe became an agent of neo-colonialism. Nkrumah in his book (1967) gave detailed account of the activities of neo-colonial forces in Congo that led to the assassination of Patrice Lumumba. Apart from using loans, monetary aid or technical assistance to infiltrate African economies, neo-colonialism also employs military pacts, and the establishment of military bases, to ensure African dependence in military terms. (Offiong,1980:62).
Neo-colonialism is a form of neo-colonial dependency. According to a recent memoir by a French official, France in the 1960s punished and even helped assassinate African leaders who opposed French policies. France was also given open ended permission to intervene militarily in these countries. It was also reported that France auditioned a potential President of Gabon before allowing him to take office. Emperor Bokassa of Central African Republic was also on record to have called President de Gaule of France, “papa” (Goldstein, 2004:471).
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