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The Purpose of Field Research

The collection of original data by way of a research study is termed primary research.
Primary research is design to answer specific questions and data is gathered directly from the market or the field. Typical primary market research includes surveys, questionnaires, focus groups, interviews and direct observation.

Field Research Data Collection Methods/Approaches

Primary research can be accomplished through various methods, including: Questionnaires and telephone interviews in market research or experiments. Direct observations in the physical sciences, amongst others.

The Scope of Primary Research

The term primary research is widely used in;

  • Academic research 
  • Market research 
  • Competitive intelligence. 

 Differences between Laboratory Research and Field Research

Field experiment is the research you go out and do by talking and listening to individuals. Also to approve or disprove your theory or hypothesis. Experiment usually happens in the lab with animals or some times humans in a controlled environment.

Advantages and Disadvantage of Primary or Field Research

There are advantages and disadvantages to primary or field research:
  1. Researcher can focus on both qualitative and quantitative issues. 
  2. Addresses specific research issues as the researcher controls the search design to fit their needs. 
  3. Great control not only does primary research enable the marketer to focus on specific subjects, it also enables the researcher to have a higher control over how the information is collected. Taking this into account, the researcher can decide on such requirement as size of project, time frame and goal. 


Compared to secondary research, primary data may be very expensive in preparing and carrying out the research. Costs can be incurred in producing the paper for questionnaires or the equipment for an experiment of some sort.

In order to be done properly, primary data collection requires the development and execution of a research plan. It takes longer to undertake primary research than the acquire secondary data.
  • Some research projects, while potentially offering information that could prove quite valuable, may not be within the reach of a researcher. · By the time the research is complete, it may be out of date. 
  • Low response rate has to be expected. 

 Ethical Considerations in Primary or Field Research

Primary research is conducted all of the time-journalists use it as their primary means of reporting news and events; national polls and survey discover what population thinks about a particular political figure or proposal; and companies collect data on their consumer base and market trends. When conducting research in an academic or professional setting, you need to be aware of the ethics behind your research activity.

Here are some specific points to consider:
  1. You should have the permission of the people who you will be studying to conduct research involving them. 
  2. Not all types of research require permission for example if you are interested in analyzing something that is available publicly (such as in the case of commercials, public message boards, etc.). You do not necessarily need the permission of the authors. 
  3. You do not want to do anything that cause physical or emotional harm to your subjects. This could be something as simple as being careful how your word sensitive or difficult questions during your interviews.
  4. Objectivity vs. subjectivity in your research is another important consideration. Be sure your own personal biases and opinions do not get in the way of your research and that you give both side fair considerations.
  5. Many types of research such as surveys or observations should be conducted under the assumption that you will keep your findings anonymous etc.