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Types of Research Objectives/Characteristics of a Good Research Objectives

The following are examples of marketing research objectives:
Time-related research objective. They are short term, media term and long term ranging from one month to years.
  1. To carry on a diversified growing and profitable wide range of manufacturing products and services. 
  2. To achieve a high return on investment. 
  3. Intensify distribution of products i.e. manufacturers obtain maximum exposure through numerous retail outlets. 
  4. Extensive distribution of products i.e. the choice of a single retailer in a particular location (expensiveproduct). 
  5. Routine research objective: some objective doesn’t have a specific time frame but deal with expected results from routine, continuous activities. 
  6. Development research objective: This result from new initiatives, external change imposed on a business or internal changes motivated by new goals result in planning for new development. Such plans specify new activities and estimate the result. 

Characteristics of a Good Research Objectives

For objectives to be effective, measure organization behaviours and performance, it should possess the following attributes;

Research objective should be understandable by those who have to achieve them. It should be concrete and specifics so as to lead and motivate the managers. It should be related to time frame so that manager/marketers know the duration within which they have to be achieved.

Research objective should be measurable and controllable.

It should be challenging, not too high or too low so that it can lead to success.
Objective of one line of product or service should correlate and stand competition of other organizations and avert any prevailing problems.
Research objective should have bearing with both internal and external constraints.
Research objective in marketing should be stated in terms of customers buying behaviour.

Nature of Customers Behaviour Objectives

Although different consumers belong to the same market segments, they do not behave like, and the characteristics of the products and services would not appeal to them in the same degree. Just almost as income tastes and other factors influence the demand for a product, so the behaviour of consumers are influenced by socio-economic and cultural factors. Unless these factors are identified d and taken care of the marketing manager may be chasing shadows. The way out is the use of marketing research methods that actually determine the socio-cultural factors and measures, which will then cultural influence has been a major set back for the market both internally and externally. For effective marketing, cultural influence of individual on aggressive marketing has to be taken care of that vicinity.

Though locally, different culture of many ethnic groups in Nigeria tends to influence the decision of many consumers. Consumers behaviour is constantly being attacked by culture so for effective and efficient marketing in Nigeria, marketing managers should under take a research on the influence of culture in consumer buying behaviour.

Most behavioural research objectives are normally stated with the following common elements (in this order):
It begins with the phrase “At the end of the research, the researcher should be able to …”
The (a) above is followed by an acceptable action like, list, define, explain, identify, illustrate etc.
(a) and (b) are followed by the conditions or content under which the objective is to be observed.
Minimum acceptable level of achievement.
In addition, behaviour objectives should be stated in a way not only to indicate the behavioural changes expected of the researcher but must also contain the content of instruction in which the behaviours are to operate.