The word Islam denotes submission to the will of Allah (God). It also means peace. Its believers are called Muslims. Islamic education is derived from the religion. The education depends solely on the Holy book of Islam known as Quran which was written by inspiration of Allah. Islam, according to Hitti (1970) is a comprehensive way of life. It is concerned with the moral, intellectual, social, economic, as well as spiritual development of man. This unit will examine the origin of Islam in Nigeria, the philosophy, aim, contents and methods of Islamic education. It will also discuss Islamic education in Nigeria today.OBJECTIVES
By the end of the unit, you should be able to:- state the philosophy of Islamic education;
- list out some of the basic contents of Islamic education;
- discuss the origin of Islam in Nigeria;
- comment briefly on opportunities of Islamic education in Nigeria today.
Philosophy, from the ordinary man perspective, is a reflection of the people’s world views. Schofields (1972) defined it as “a process of asking particular questions in particular areas” (p.11)Technically, philosophy is characterized by a logical, consistent and systematic thinking so as to reach sound, coherent and consistent answer. (Akinpelu 1981 p.2).
Basically philosophy deals with three basic branches: metaphysics, epistemology and axiology. Metaphysics deals with issues beyond ordinary human comprehension such as the nature of God, man, death, universe etc. Epistomology deals with the meaning, scope, sources and types of knowledge while axiology deals with the issues of morality and values. In Islam, the Holy Quran offers explanations for all the constituents of philosophy. The nature of God is not in doubt. He is perceived as the Almighty Allah. Man is presented as a representative of God on earth. He is made up of the indivisible components of body, soul and intellect. Man is created good and innocent and is charged to do good for he must surely give account of his works on earth on the day of judgement.
Islam also recognizes the importance of knowledge of man and enjoins adherents to seek it. It recognizes two forms of knowledge; namely revealed and acquired knowledge.
The Holy Quran lays emphasis on various values which it compels on Muslims. These include honesty, truthfulness, justice, humility. Etc
Exercise 1:
- Does the philosophy of Islamic education compare favorably with the philosophy of the traditional education?
- Does the philosophy of the traditional education agree with the crisis associated with some adherents of the faith in Nigeria?
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