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the impact of money supply on economic growth in nigeria (1981-2010) (68 pages)

project material on:    the impact of money supply on economic growth in nigeria (1981-2010) (68 pages)

The study examined the impact of money supply on economic growth in Nigeria. In the model specified, real gross domestic product (real GDP) is the regress while broad money supply, real exchange rate, and real interest rate are the regressors. Data was collected from CBN statistical Bulletin for the period 1981 – 2010.

The statistical techniques used for the analysis is the ordinary least square techniques with the aid of Stata 10 software package. The research indicates that real interest rate and real exchange rate in Nigeria within the period under study failed to influence real gross domestic product while broad money supply being the only significant regressor influenced real gross domestic product (real GDP) within the period under study.

 It has been identified that the major problem militating against the poor performance of monetary policy instruments in influencing real GDP in Nigeria is time lags involved which now makes any policy employed by the government to take many months to achieve its full effect. In effect to this, effectiveness of influencing real gross domestic product in Nigeria maybe promoted by emphasizing on broad money supply instead of on monetary target variables due to the fact that broad money supply is statistically significant