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Human resources development and motivation in the national electric power authority(NEPA) of Nigeria: a study of the eastern zones


This research project has attempted to find out the extent of humanresources development and motivathn in the Nathmai Electric PowerAuthority [NEPAJ of Nigeria. It is a study of the Eastern (Enugu and Port-Harcourt) zones,Since inception in1972, NEPAS performam is adjudged by manyNigerians.Its emcity generating, bansmitting, and distributingability has been epikplic and this has been having adverse consequences on the nation's deveiopnent.The study imdved the ~ ~ osf etw o majot instruments of datacollection in survey resad, qwdbmhe and interview, Thequestionnaire was rrsed to dkct data frwn 973 (about 30Y0 of the total)employees of NEPA in the Eastem zcms An hkpt ~~~ of the headsof administration and persad in tk ones (14 in a#) was also carried out.These instrunrents a$ecM data hm the msemh sub- on a range of issues bearing on human resouas clew- and motivation.Descriptive ?jtatmG - - a d frecFrency taMes wereused in analyzing thequestionnaire data, while the interview dab wete pcmsd qualitatively.The four hyptkss of 2lle study mere tested sWsticaf!y with the aid ofAnalysis of Vamm (- -A) ~ m o n g t h e s W ~ C # t h e a d y ~ ~ a i e n t aantdi poosntorientation mining of staff was below srpectltiort g- the strategic importan@ of NWA to the Niger'an ea#lorrPy and society. It was alsodiscovered that there q -r a dispatay in the mte of training technical and mmk&W SiH bo W hew of the btter, and that s&ff a d v a m after tmhiq& was poor. Again, staff motivationwas discwered td be low, especially with regard financial entitlements,participatory decisiornnatdng and irrtpkmentation, and availability ofworking materiak/equipnen2. lidmmom, R was gathered from the interviewees that same f&bm within NEPAS external environment were a d w d y &b%ng its service delivery. Such factorsinclude uncontrdted rural -illegal connection, equipmentvandalisation, umoperaWe custuwd attituk, and underfundingIt was, therefore, amdwled that for perfwmance to improve inNEPA, staff development and rnotmtm - - must improve to comparefavourably with what obtain in sane sectors of ttre Nigefian society, and thenegative factors uf the attffnal emhmmmt must be addressed.