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Family Crises Management Patterns by Families in Edo State

Family Crises Management Patterns by  Families in Edo State 


A family is a group of people considered to be related to each other either by blood or marriage or adoption (Hagedon 1981). It is characterised by common residence, economic co- operation, and reproduction . It includes adults of both sexes, at least two of whom maintain a socially approved sexual relationship, and one or more children, own or adopted, of the sexually
co-habiting adults (Haramlarnbes 1980). The family is a universal social institution and an inevitable part of human society. Each society is made of numerous families.

A family at its siiplest form includes a husband, a wife and their offspring. This is known
as the nuclear family. The structure of the family can be extended with the addition of relatives
outside the nuclear family to form the extended family. Within each type of family, there are
different forms of relationships as the members interact with one another to ensure an effective
family living. Family relationship involves intimacies that other relationships do not have. Such
relationships are long-lasting and include husband-wife relationship, parents-children relationship
and brother-sister relationship. All these relationships lead to common goals and family