- Farm-Level Analysis Of Off-Farm Income And Farm Capital Accumulation Among Small-Scale Farmers In North-Central Nigeria
- Performance of Watermelon Marketing in Enugu State, Nigeria
- Evaluation of Dietary Supplementation with Talinum Triangulare Extract on Egg Quality and Quantity, Haematology, and Serum Biochemistryin Pullets
- Iodine and Nutritional Status of Primary School Children in Okpuje, Nsukka L.G.A Enugu State, Nigeria.
- An Economic Study of the Effects of Climate Change on Food Security in Taraba State, Nigeria
- Strategy For Ensuring Food Security In Taraba State, Nigeria
- Food Consumption Pattern, Anthropometric Indices and Micronutrient Status of Children Aged 6 – 59 Months in Kaduna State, Nigeria
- Effect of Maternal Nutrition Knowledge and Nutritional Status on Pregnancy Outcome in Rural and Urban Areas of Ebonyi State, Nigeria.
- Strategy for Ensuring Food Security in Taraba State, Nigeria
- Availability and Use of Swamp Rice Production Technologies Among Farmers in Enugu State Nigeria.
- Assessment Of Local Government Agricultural Activities in Rivers State, Nigeria
- Effect of Ivermectin Intake on the Nutritional and Health Status of School Children in Onchocerciasis Endemic Communities of Ebonyi State, Nigeria
- Assessment Of Local Government Agricultural Activities in Rivers State, Nigeria
- Availability and Use of Swamp Rice Production Technologies Among Farmers in Enugu State Nigeria.
- Strategy for Ensuring Food Security in Taraba State, Nigeria
- Socio-Economic and Cultural Analyses of Food Security Among Selected Ethnic Groups in North Central Nigeria
- Assessing the Nutritional Status and Selected Indigenous Foods of People in Two Communities in Abia State
- Chemical Composition of Some Lesser-Known Wild Fruits and Vegetables Consumed in Ayamelum Local Government Area of Anambra State
- Knowledge, Attitude and Adoption of Appropriate Feeding Practices by Mothers and Anthropometric Indices of Their Children in Aguata Local Government Area Of Anambra State, Nigeria.
- An Evaluation and Nutrition Education Intervention for Improved Child Feeding and Care Behaviours of Rural Mothers in Eha-Amufu, Enugu State, Nigeria
- Assessment of Iron, Vitamin A And Anthropometric Status of Pregnant Women in Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu State, Nigeria
- Assessment of the Feeding Practices, Vitamin A, Iron, Zinc And Anthropometrics Status of Under-Five Children in Orphanages of Federal Capital Territory Abuja, Nigeria.
- Economic Analysis of Financing and Sustainability of Irrigated Agriculture in the Lower Anambra and Lower Benue Irrigation Projects, Nigeria
- Selenium, Zinc and Iron Status of Pregnant Women and Zinc Content of Selected Traditional Foods in Obio-Akpor L.G.A Rivers State, Nigeria.
- Consumption Pattern of Antioxidant Rich Foods by Middle Aged Adults in Enugu North Local Government Area Enugu State, Nigeria.
- Consumption Pattern of Antioxidant Rich Foods by Middle Aged Adults in Enugu North Local Government Area Enugu State, Nigeria.
- Assessment of the Nutritional Status, Care And Support of People Living With Hiv/Aids in Nsukka Local Government Area, Enugu State
- Mineral Profile of Infant-Feed Composite Complementary Food Prepared From Maize (Zea Mays), Soybean (Glycine Max) and Moringa Oleifera Leaves
- Cocoyam Marketing in South East Nigeria
- Nutritional and Iron Status of Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Clinic at the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Ituku Ozalla, Enugu
- Contributions of Women to Household Farming Decisions Among Cocoa-Based Agroforestry Households in Ekiti State, Nigeria
- Effect of Drying Methods on the Nutrient and Phytochemical Properties of Some Cultivated and Wild Leafy Vegetables.
- Effects of Micro Credit on the Livelihood of Rural Households in Enugu State, Nigeria
- Effect of Processing Methods on the Quality of Ugba (Pentaclethra Macrophylla Benth)
- Consumption Pattern of Antioxidant Rich Foods by Middle Aged Adults in Enugu North Local Government Area Enugu State, Nigeria.
- Effects of Processing Techniques on Chemical, Functional and Microbial Properties of Two Varieties of Lima Bean (Phaseolus Lunatus) And Maize (Zea Mays) Flours and Sensory Properties of Their Products
- Identification, Consumption Pattern and Nutrient Composition of Processed Green Leafy Vegetables and their Yam Dishes as Consumed in Igbo-Ukwu in Anambra State, Nigeria
- Assessment of Anthropometric, Dietary Pattern and Micronutrient Status of School Children Aged 6 – 15 Years In Ede-Oballa, Nsukka L.G.A., Enugu State, Nigeria
- Economics Of Farm-Gate Rice Marketing In Enugu State, Nigeria
- Studies on Nutrient Potentials of Blends of Treated Aerial Yam (Dioscorea Bulbifera) and Cowpea (Vignaunguiculata L. Walp) Fed Adult Albino Rats
- The Effects of Climate Change Adaptation Strategies on Food Crop Production Efficiency in Southwestern Nigeria
- Economic Analysis of Rice Marketing Margin in Adani Uzo-Uwani Local Government Area of Enugu State, Nigeria
- Women Labour Utilization in Crop Production in Abia State, Nigeria
- Assessment of Iron, Zinc and Anthropometric Indices of Preschool Children in Ozubulu, Anambra State, Nigeria
- Analysis of Intra-Industry Trade in Agricultural Products Between Nigeria and Partner Nations Within the Economic Community of West African States
- Development of Products from Sorrel (Hibiscus Sabdariffa) and Evaluation of their Nutrients, Phytochemicals, Antinutrients, Toxicants, Physico-Chemical, Sensory and Storage Properties
- Assessment of Diabetes Management Regimens and Effect of Diabetes Educational Intervention Among Diabetics Attending Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital Nnewi Anambra State, Nigeria.
- Evaluation of Food Potentials of Tigernut Tubers (Cyperus Esculentus) and its Products (Milk, Coffee And Wine)
- The Effects of Different Traditional Cooking Methods on the Nature of Starch in Some Nigerian Starchy Staples
- Nutrient Potential of Wild and Cultivated Edible Mushrooms and their Possible Use in Fortifying Snacks for Pre-School and School Children
- Assessment of Emerging Roles and Training Needs of Extension Personnel in Kogi State Agricultural Development Programme.
- Impact of Fertilizer Policy on Crop Production in Nigeria
- Hectarage and Output Responses of Major Crops to Market Liberalisation and Price Risk in Nigeria
- Economic Analysis of Artisanal Fishing Enterprises in Guma Local Government Area of Benue State, Nigeria
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