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Philosophy of education is referred to as the use of philosophical tools, theories method, and principles for the explanation and solution of educational problems. It is an applied philosophy. However, many philosophers to see it in different ways.

Philosophy as an Application

Newsome (1962) accepts the application of the problem of education and suggests: Philosophy might also be applied to education by utilizing the methods, tasks, techniques of philosophy in investigation problem of formal schooling.

This view of application appears most acceptable to majority of educational philosophers. It should be seen too that philosophy of education benefit from the various method analysis in clarification of concepts and issues of national interest. Philosophy of education makes positive suggestions and recommendation about how educational theories and practice might be improved upon and os more effective in their functions. To John Dewey (1966) philosophy is the theory of education. In its most general phases

Broad Based Approach

Philosophy of education considers the broad based statement of principles, which projects the goals of the society. Sometimes the goals of an ideal society are mapped out and used in any less developed society.

Akinpelu (1981) holds that, it is “projection of the social, economic, political and cultural life of any community to education formulated after considering the ideal society would prefer to live in, in a way, educational philosophy means the national policy on education, which is achieved using education as a tool. It is a broad statement of aims with well-articulated general principles of education. This would later be interpreted for easy application at the several levels of educational theories and practices.

Historical Approach

We ought to understand that the philosophical views and thoughts and ideals of the great Aristotle, Rene Descartes and others, are studies in that order their approaches and solutions are carefully applied present day educational problems. The fact is that, certain problems have been existing from the onset with the possible approach of problem solving. It will be a waste of time and effort to postulate new theories for such similar problems instead of using well recognized solutions. However, because of the dynamic nature of the society and its peculiar problems, emphasis should be laid on the development of critical abilities needed for tackling contemporary problems of education.

Philosophical Approach

We wish to understand here that the philosophical ideals of important schools of thought are superimposed or applied to educational ideals. Such schools of thought among others are realism, Idealism, Humanism, existentialist, pragmatism, and Naturalism.

The major deficiency here is that the schools are not originally concerned with educational issues. “No system of educational corresponds to them in a straight jacket, logically derives”
according to Akinpelu (1974). The application might be difficult and sometimes attract unnecessary and unhealthy human manipulation.

Analytical approach

Philosophy of education is seen as an “eye opener” to the teacher .it gives the teacher a professional trading by development and cultivating in him a critical attitude and rational way of examining issues. This analytical approach is the most recent and the one that brightens the teacher professional outlook. Analysis identifies and clarifies ambiguities and inconsistencies inherit in some words, concepts and issues in both philosophy of education is basically to criticize and analyze and analyze words, concept, theories identifying proper usages, clarifying ambiguities, inconsistencies
and absurdities ethical issues such as justification for punishment in Nigeria school, by analyzing punishment and critically looking into problems arising from the implementation of national policy
like “provision of equal education opportunity” and so on.


Philosophy Of education is the use of philosophical tools, theories, methods, principles for the explanation and solutions of educational problems.