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Relationship between Philosophy and Education

You should know that the philosophical orientation apparent in the idea of making men “critical” is to make the teacher or the educator to be “self critical”. This is to illustrate the passion for certainty which is perhaps innate in all humans.” This fact brings philosophy into close relationship with education. This seeks to impact knowledge through an acceptable manner to the people. The critical attitude developed as a result enhances human knowledge and creates an avenue for the building of principles beliefs. It opens mindedness in educational practices by practioners (teachers and the educators) who allows their belief decision to be subjected to further study and examination.

Philosophy looks at theories, assumption, postulation, statements and value judgment critically as to justify them. The logicalities and consistence of any claim in education in the process become clarified.

Philosophy equips the teacher to deal with educational problems by obtaining self-reflection, criticism and analysis. He reasons and assesses critically the validity of principles. Dewey (1966) describes the relationship as very close and remarks.

Philosophy of education is not an external application of ready- made ideas to a system of practice having a radically different origin purpose. It is only an explicit formation of right mental and moral habit in aspect to the difficulties of contemporary social life.

The most penetrating definition of philosophy, which can be giving is, then that it is the theory of education in its most general phases.

Nweke (1995) was of the view that “philosophy gives education the thought and education gives it an outlet in practice”. This means they philosophy and education are complementary disciplines to each other and they are mutually re-constructive.

They are not only a process but also a product in terms of the child’s maturation, moral and intellectual development. Brus and Brauner (1976) maintain that: (philosophical activities serve
pedagogical purpose as analytic, evaluation, speculative and integrative process”. Finally, philosophy and education work for the harmonization of education policies, theories and practices and benefit to the recipients.

Philosophy and education have a common mode of thought and action that is thinking and acting strategies in educational context.


  • List four areas of relationship between philosophy and education. 
  • What are Dewey’s opinions concerning the relationship between philosophy and education?